Project Echo <2 PLAYABLE WEAPON DEMO pg6>

this is just some quick sketches of one of the main antagonists in the game and one of the gas mask’s weapons.

behold :stuck_out_tongue:


very cool, so is the gun a submachine gun/ axe. good enemy, practical and believable. but kind of generic its kinda fun to make him have some sort of striking feature, thats how people remember bad guys, like darth vader (helmet)

kinda fun to make him have some sort of striking feature, thats how people remember bad guys, like darth vader (helmet)

oh yeah, i dont want to spoil the story as to whatmakes this guy special, but lets just say he feels empty inside…

oh and its hard to see here, but his eyes are golden without pupils and he usally wears a hood.

okay. so i decided to post some more sketches up. i may also post some of the music i wrote, but im still debateing.

here is the health syringe used to heal your team mates
the echo carbine A2 (double bladed)
the standard enlisted soldier of the Oncept Republic (in full battle rattle)
the Salazar 87 assualt rifle (standard weapon for the Onceptan military)
one of your close friends in Project Echo, (yes he is missing an eye and has a shotgun for a hand… it will be explained ingame)


what about improving your drawing skills ?

what about improving your drawing skills ?

thank you :slight_smile:


Oh, come on, does it really matter? As long as his blender skills are in the right condition, so to say… Which they are :slight_smile:

Those drawing are really cool. Can’t wait for the game.

That one of the pilot guy is cool :smiley:

im sorry guys, i know you all could care less about this concept art and character design, you probably want to see gameplay.
unfortunately, the next time i release the demo, i want it to be a full demo. and i want to keep the awe factor up, so i cant reveal much. but here is what can be guarented in the next realse (because ive already finished them)

  • new power that affects your sight (very important to gameplay)

  • many more detailed rooms (sucking up the majority of my production time)

  • more puzzles and secrets

  • dynamic origional musichere is what ive gotten started on, almost finished but just have a few more bugs to work out, but should show up in the demo.

  • melee/ranged weapon system

  • squad based ally AI and enemy AI

  • boss AI

  • reflex drivin action comands

  • new main menu
    im also planning to include an intro movie to the demo, but im not quite yet sure. hopefully all this will be done before the summer. until then this thread may go “to sleep” like it has in the past until im done. i may post some “echo tunes” as ive called them, later this week… or today.

in fact concept art are concept art, sketching is sketching. But you are true about it don’t mater if blender skill are there even if I think his game is ok he may not post those sketches. that my point. I want to point that working progress as you said is more picture and real changes more than concept because even if its nice to have imagination and innovating gameplay I’d prefer a blend with crappy graphics than explanation …

all this looks very well done, i’ve actually been trying to find a game with destruction physics like what you’re planning on doing about that destruction demo for months! :smiley: anyway, I suggest working that collision bug out [the one which pushes you away] and i also have a question! (why do i always have one of these in my replies???) can you kill that really creepy enemy in the hallway from the warehouse escape, or just have to sprint to the elevator and get it down before he gets in? all in all, SUBMIT THIS GAME TO A PUBLISHER!!! that’s all i have to say! :smiley:


That idea is not half bad. I would recommend doing it with a multi-platform publisher like Ambrosia Software. I know they might be interested. I would say the same with KRUM, Zodiac Spear, and Duk!Duk! (and some others)


I suggest working that collision bug out [the one which pushes you away] and i also have a question! (why do i always have one of these in my replies???) can you kill that really creepy enemy in the hallway from the warehouse escape, or just have to sprint to the elevator and get it down before he gets in? all in all, SUBMIT THIS GAME TO A PUBLISHER!!! that’s all i have to say! :smiley:

thanks, i have already fixed the collision problem and will be in the next demo.
no you cant kill the enemy (called the imperfects) yet… but you will pick up a weapon later in game… but by that time, you enemies a re going to be a little smarter. and yes, you have to make it to the elevator room before the imperfect makes it in or the swithces will deactivate.

okay guys, your gonna like this…

in project echo, you may have noticed that alot of the guns are mounted with some sort of melee weapon. that is because melee combat is a very big factor in prject echo, as the whole landscape is dotted with either trenches or the narrow rooms you encountered in the demo. wide open spaces are rare and are usally friendly towns or villages

well, i decided to create a new type of sword system based on an idea i had about the gun/blade’s operation. i wasnt quite sure how to make it work but turin turanbar (or however you spell his name) accidently and indirectly gave me an idea. a sword based on particle systems.

this is how it works, you press E and you start saw stabbing the air in front of you. in order to do a wide slash, just swing the mouse while holding e. this means you have full control over stabbing/slashing your enemy with a flick of the wrist, and you can control how hard or how wide your attacks are with your right hand movements. the harder you hit, the further your enemy flies back as well. the swinging of the wrist is also meant to simulate natuaral disorintation after throwing heavy melee attacks.


w,s,a,d = move
space= jump
hold e= saw stab, climb ladder
left mouse button= drop grenade
right mouse button= pre detonate grenade
r= “fury slash” :evilgrin:

some neat natural sword combos:

run forward and hold e for a “blazing charge” attack
jump and hold e on the way down for a “crying sun” attack
rotate the mouse in circles while holding e for a “sun belt” attack

feel free to play around with the logic to make your own awesome sword attacks. enjoy, oh, and watch out for the baddies :rolleyes:

Great, I didn’t see this earlier, I will check it out when I get home today. I’m excited :smiley:


i can only say one thing about that demo…


erm… bananas running around? aa floating building? did you link to the right file? the earlier thinf you released IMO was better…

hahahaha, i knew you guys would find it weird.

like ive said before, these strange places im realesing are my “testing grounds”. there full of strange and glitchy things. its a “scratch sheet” for project echo. when i come up with a new concept, i go to the testing ground, (i named it nanaland, dont ask…) and try it out. that way i avoid unessecary mistakes, glitches, and memory leaks in project echo.

the bananas are my training personel. creating new logic and combat systems can be stressful, these guys take the edge off. i have nanas (i named them that,… dont ask) with littl wooden swords and toy guns to fight my character, with LOTS of experimental AI types. squad based, lone wolf based, mildly aggressive, extreamly aggressive, logic brick based, python based, you name it.

its all about efficiency, i make the mistakes there, and put the perfected systems into echo, minus the bananas of course. i belive every game developer should have a scratch world for this purpose…

of course, i dont realse, everything to you guys, thats how i keep the atticipation for project echo alive. :wink:

I played your demo and it rocks, but you need to fix the mouse, its hard to go up and down because its opposite. I move my mouse down and it goes up, its hard lol. But its good!