Project Gladiator Need Texture Artist and Fellow 3D Modeller

Hi there,

My name is Raiden and I planned my project - called simply “Project Gladiator” - From early December and started the Prototype on the 1st of January and finished on the 11th. I am now moving onto making the Alpha Version of the game.

(Please note: the prototype is more for a clarification of technical requirements than the creation of a working game)

The alpha version will basically be the first playable version of the game and so, when I go to Kickstarter I need what is shown to be largely resembling of the final product. Only the alpha will not have all features of the game.

First thing I’ll address is probably the first thing on your mind. “What IS Project Gladiator”?
Project Gladiator is a 3D multiplayer game in which you fight in the Colosseum of Rome for glory. Somewhat a sandbox slasher where you have the ability to dismember your opponents and get to the top of the Leaderboards. I’ll be using the Microsoft Kinect to motion capture many animations with many different weapons so that there can be an extremely large element of realism.
*I also forget to mention this main element of the game. There is a modifier to the character when the player is doing well which will change the physical appearance of the players gladiator. He will look more masculine and large.

“What do I need to make/contribute and what is my reward?”
I’m largely looking for a partner in the project to help me model and texture:
Shield & Armor,
Help with Set Construction.
Your reward is a share in profits. We can discuss this more later.

“What programs and software are you using?”
I’m using MakeHuman for the gladiator meshes and rigging.
I’m using Blender for all my modelling and temporary texturing.
I’m using Unity 5.3.1 for the game engine.
I’m using Microsoft Kinect v2 for motion capture/animation.

It would be the absolute best if I had a generalist working with me (Programming, Modelling, Texturing, Knowledge of Networking solutions like PUN and advertising) but I’m not too picky with the exception that you must know how to create realistic textures. If you can’t create realistic textures then feel free to apply for a Voluntary Position. You’ll absolutely be acknowledged on the credits.

The game has a arbitrary release date of September 2016 but it will be polished much before then.

If interested please contact me by email
[email protected]