Project London Recruitment Clip

Hello all!

I haven’t been posting here due to- Not remembering my password! How embarrassing. :no:

But I’ve gotten it all straight now!

I’ve been working for the past couple years on a feature film called “Project London”. It’s all shot and edited and pretty much blows my mind. However! Me and a small team of folks have been doing all the effects; and while it’s been going well, it’s taking a long time! I’d rather not spend a couple years MORE on it, so we’re trying to recruit some new folks to see if we can meet our tentative-becoming-more-solid November Deadline!

I’ve been allowed to release a little bit of one of the first bits of the movie for the purpose of seeing if I could get a few more like-minded individuals to help us out with our goal.

I doubt I could embed the video in here; so check it out at;

THIS LINK. The Sample Clip

(the big copyright at the end is a necessary evil :P)

A few minor criteria!

  • Good understanding of Blender
  • Some past work you’ve done to show us what you can do.
  • Ability to provide weekly status reports on your progress
  • Ability to work with us to figure out good deadlines for goals and meet the deadlines.
  • Pleasant disposition, easy to work with
  • Willingness to volunteer time and talentSince we’ve already far overspent our small budget we can’t promise any sort of pay, which sounds sketchy, but we’re just some dudes, you know?

But yeah! If you’d like to volunteer, or just ask more questions (which you could also do in this thread), send them to [email protected], and I’ll respond promptly!

Here are a few other relevant links;

The movie site (has some great pictures from production if you go back really far in the blog- and lots of other info is there too.

My Personal Website (Not all THAT relevant, but why not?)

The SubjectCG page- basically just a different recruitment page.

So yeah! I hope to hear from some of you soon! We’ve already got some great folks working on this- Dolf Veenvliet, Nate Taylor, Paul Spooner- good guys.


This so interesting! A pity I am involved elsewhere but I’m sure you will other folks to chip in. Good Luck with the project.

Well macouno followed you my email. As I told him, I’m quite busy as of now, but I’ll sure jump in in the next few weeks!

Your project is really amazing.


i’d like to join.

i think i could make the sets. i’ve been getting good at it. i’ll send you my latest WIP in email.

I’m still a newbie. Maybe I could model a bit. Am not very confident with texturing as of now.

And also I could help writing the story. :slight_smile:

Next time, read a bit more before proposing :wink:

They already shot the whole movie with the actors. They are now working on the SFX (post-production).

Sure I’ll help if you’ll have me. I’m not sure if I’ll be that useful though… let me put it his way I may know just enough to begin to learn how to do the stuff you guys are apparently doing in this movie.

As far as past blender works is concerned, erm, I don’t really have any.

I do have a current work though:

I’ll send you an email also.


kbot; hey, thanks! Best of luck to you on your project!

Ecks; Hey! Most epic news! I sent you an email, but Dolf thinks it may be one that you don’t use as frequently- if it doesn’t go through I’ll send another to a different address- I was pretty darn tired when I sent the first, and don’t recall what it said.

Zymn; I’ll send you an email first thing tomorrow when I can.

Temujin; indeed, we have already written and shot the flick! But thanks for the offer!

Key: I’ll send you an email first thing tomorrow when I can.

Thanks for the responses, guys! Wow. A few long days over here on my end. I’m just waiting for the pace of life to slow down a few notches.

Aye, yeah. That would be nice.

Hey Mrdodobird, what kind of help is needed? Is it just animating, or is there still some modeling and texture work to be done?

There’s a bit of everything, actually. We have some models remaining to be completed ranging from pretty simple to totally complex, a significant deal of texturing left to do (we have a few finished models with no textures yet, so if anyone’s good at texturing, we’d love to have you!), and yeah, a very good deal of animation to be done too, of all types.

Thanks, that’s good to know. If I have the time and my previous work is up to snuff, I’d be happy to help. I’ll email you as soon as possible if I think I can make an actual offer.

BTW: I’m assuming there’s also some rigging to be done, no?

Oh man! Yes! There is rigging.