Hi guys
This is our last project “Gone with the wind”
The idea behind the picture is, to show the ironic of life. The field could be much bigger, the kite , which is controlled by a child, has to tangle exactly in the only single tree far and wide!
Those who allready did first flight tests with a kite, may confirm us that:
-either there has to less/no wind, and the kite could not fly
-or the kite is “gone with the wind” and if you’ve bad luck his tangle in a tree;)
This picture is made in blender 2.77
It includes a few particlesystems and a total of 2.2. millions of particles.
Software: Blender, Grass Essentials, Pro Lighting Skies
We started with the tree. We modelled first 3 different branches and put a particlesystem on every one, with a ownmade alpha texture from leaves and did some color variation (3 branches, each one with 3 colours, so at the end we had 9 branches), that some of them look a bit different.
Than we convert the particlesystem to meshes and join them together to one object. After this process we put the 9 new branches as a new particlesystem on the tree.
We add a plane with a displace modifier for the landscape, and placed the tree. We painted in Texture Paint mode the fieldway who guided to the tree.
On one hand the way should become consistently smaller to illustrate the wide of the field. On the other hand we wanted that the way led to the rule of thirds to put the story in the focus.We continued with 6 different particlesytems for the grass on the field. To controll the particlesystems we used Vertex Groups and textures, a simple gradient from the front to backpart was enough, for the density. Also we used different procedural textures for the length and the density variations of the grassfield. As well we require easy black and white textures to influence the density of the field and the way. In the same manner we did 3 particle systems for the grass on the fieldway.
To create some color accents on the field, we add 4 different paticlesystem with plants or flowers. To make a smooth transition from the way to the field we put the same grassparticlesystem from the way on a small strip on the edge of the road.
We made another particlesystem for the stones and create some puddles for the trail. The water in the puddles reflect some light from the hdri map and brings details to the road. To create more details we added 3 particlesystem with mosquitoes above the water.
We modeled a simple fence and put wire with curves on it. In the background we placed a low poly child with another particlesystem for the hairs next to the tree in the focus of the picture.
Besides we create a kite with ribbons who fluttered in the wind. The kite we textured with a piece of wood and with a slightly transparent fabric. We put curves for the cord to the kite and placed them in the tree ot the child.
In a final step we choose a HDRI texture and put a sun lamp, on the same direction, where the light is comming from.
We finally rendered with 300 samples in Cycles and did a compositing. For this we enabled the shadow, AO path and material index. The material index we just need for the fence.
Have fun with the breakdown. We’re happy for constructive feedbacks and try the best to answer your questions!
Cheers Elin and Martin from NaturallyCG