Project weight painting from one mesh to another

Say I have a mesh I have fully painted all the weights for and later I modeled something like a fur coat cover for the whole body with planes covered all over it, is there a way to bake or project the weights previously painted on the body to the coat so the layers of planes of the coat deform nicely with the body and bone rig.

Well, no, not that I know of but perhaps using the gradient tool could aid you.

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Great suggestion. Thank you. I also noticed, I can’t paint on the lower layer planes. Like there is no projected painting mode or turning these off for weight painting.

To project the weight from one mesh to another, you can use the data transfer modifier.

You have to select vertex data, vertexgroups, and usually projected face interpolated. Should give you a base to start from and you might have to paint here and there to get it as you want…


This can do exactly what you need, transfer weights locally across meshes (and a lot of other things) -

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@MadeWithFeet Thanks for the suggestion. :+1:

@dan2 That’s a nice addon. Very quick and fast. Thanks

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