It seems that the 2.41 Blender is more strikt on the variables live time. If you have local variables in a script it will only live as long the script runs. The next run of the script will not have this variable anymore.
You should use the properties of your objects to store variables (e.g. own.variable). It is also possible to define properties only visible in python. Alternatively you can define variables to the GameLogic accessable from all objects.
Make sure that they exist by using hasattr() before you read them.
My code is horiffic and it would take ages for other people to decipher it. There are about 10 scripts running concurently in the scene. I can’t imagine anyone having the patience to go through the scripts
Monster - I’ve already got loads of properties on objects but I guess I’ll have to transfer them from the python script. If thats what it takes. Ps don’t tell Erwin your using Global Variables!