projecting text from sphere

I looked in archives with no luck(please advise if I missed a thread)

What do I need to do to an object for it to “qualify” for the add modifier-curve object list drop-down?

Tried to use Peter Drakulic’s tutorial at <> and it was very helpful until it was time to add the modifier-curve and the object dropdown would not list anything. bolded text below is the step that I’m hung up on. dropdown box is empty whereas in the vid it lists all objects like normal. Am I missing an add-on in user prefs?

get vaseget text
duplicate text and move to another layer to have copy(shift d)
convert text to mesh(alt C)
select and extrude text a little
ctrl-N recalculate the normals(good thing to do)
Object mode-
Add modifier to text remesh(looks terrible until you do below)
In add a modifier box uncheck[remove disconnected pieces]
bump up octree depth(nine maybe)
sides sharp
apply remesh modifier
scale text to fit on desired surface
edit mode
get close to surface
select two vertices to represent a path that the text will take on the mesh of the vase(object)
W—select vertex path
Shift D to duplicate the vertices of path
press P to separate the selection
object mode

select text add modifier-curve
Alt G to reset position
Alt R to reset rotation
move text on its Y axis
Rotate on X to stand up
select text
apply curve modifier vertical curve as well next steps
edit mode
face select
select one face on the face of the letters
select tabs below—linked flat faces
ctrl i to select the rest of them
add modifier
select object to apply to
select letters and extrude


Show us a screenshot of the whole blender interface at the step you are having problems with and ideally a link to your blend file

lost picture