projection paint + uv project modifier = texture stamp brush

Projection paint is great, i’ve seen tutorials dealing with the use of “clone layer” to project fixed reference views.
But most of the time i need a simpler " brush-stamp a texture from screen to the object ".
Like 3d coat , or modo’s image ink … it might not sound like much in teory , but it’s so useful, fast and flexible (at least, for environements)
While the default blender brush drags the texture around and makes it the size of the brush itself…
I’ve seen 2.49 release notes and it says in future plans : “Easy image stamp option” … so this isn’t possible yet , right ?

I found a method that could be an useful approximation. Using projection paint and uv project modifier.
(but i wouldn’t be surprised if there is a much easier way to do this :slight_smile: )
Here it is:
- setup model for projection paint
(just like the firefly tutorial on 249 release page on , by Headless)
- you’ll have 2 uv sets : “result” and “source”
result is the paint-to layer , “source” is the “reference” aka “clone from” uv set,
-create a plane in front of your camera
make the plane parallel to view
-parent plane to camera
so it will follow the camera when you move it
.- apply a “uv project” modifier to the object you want to paint
setup modifier like this:
-projector : use the plane
-uv set to use : “source”

The image that will be projected is the one you have assigned to “source” uvset in the UV/image browser .
But the modifier will dynamically change the projection based on the position of the plane …and , since it is parented to camera, it will follow your view.
(use camera view and “shift+f” to move around without exiting paint mode)

Isn’t it cool? could it be done in a simpler way ? suggestions to improve ?

a screenshot of the above procedure :


pretty smart though :slight_smile:

you probably could make a small py script that does all the setup for you

Thanks, unfortunately i know nothing of python (or scripting in general) , i will try learning someday …but i’m sure this will be solved long before that day :slight_smile:
Anyway, I’m curious how ui could be done… Projection paint future plans mention something similar (easy stamp) i’d love to see something with the on-screen helpers like Modo and color+mask like 3dcoat.
(eh eh … i couldn’t resist adding some wishes )

Also, Thanks for your tutorial on projection painting , was useful to learn the use of “clone from” workflow.

cool if it could help someone :slight_smile: