Want proof that my brother’s a jerk? No? Too bad, because if you keep reading, you’ll find proof.
Thanks to an event sometime soon, and lots of memorabilia dedicated to an event that happened a while back, I decided to finally write this and prove to you that he’s a total jerk.
Ready for it? No? Too bad, because here it is:
My brother thinks that they should include the crash that killed Dale Earnhardt in a blooper reel of NASCAR.
Got it now? He is a jerk with no respect for the dead. And you know what they say (in “Grand Theft Auto 2”): Respect is everything.
He did, and he thinks it’s funny. He thinks it’s not funny about the dog getting injured in “There’s Something About Mary,” which he hates, but he thinks that the crash was funny. He’s biased, obviously.
honestly i would feel more sorry for a dog dying than a human.
infact i cried when i heard about a story of a dog dying and my cats dying (all 4 of them in like 6 months LOL). while i didn’t cry for my grandfathers. and not to sound like a dick, but it didn’t hit me emotionally when sep 11 happend wither.
its not because of lack of sympathy. but lack of empathy!!!
i dunno why i don’t get emotional about people but i don’t for some reason.
however i can sympathise with poeple and yes your bro does sound like a bit of a dick (well how you discribed him)
but i too think it should be included in the nascar videos (however NOT AS A BLOOPER) it could have a in memory of section to the videos but not in the bloopers coz bloopers arn’t respectfull.