Are there working versions of Proog and Emo available anywhere for Blender 2.46? There appears to be some issues with the rigs and I do not have the skills to analyse or fix them.
Are there working versions of Proog and Emo available anywhere for Blender 2.46? There appears to be some issues with the rigs and I do not have the skills to analyse or fix them.
A fellow Australian! With the exception of Proog’s coat (which is pretty neat) most of the rigging techniques in those two characters are used in Mancandy (same creator, so that makes sense). Mancandy as you may or may not know is up to date and found here: - second post down (at time of me writing this)
Sorry if you knew that and this post doesnt help…
I like animating an not rigging The Rigs don’t work as well as Mancandy so I am assuming that there are issues specific to 2.46 ie rotating the upper arm is offset in proportion to the amount the forearm has been rotated - it makes it very difficult (to say the least) to try an animate the arms!
Converting the particles to 2.46 was also interesting. First save on Emo was 64mb! Had to delete everything with Particles attached to get control back. Proog wasn’t as bad.
It’s a shame these resources aren’t upgraded - is it any wonder no-one uses them when they only work for a single version of Blender!
PS - Anyone know how to fix Big Buck Bunny to make him render in 32bit windows?
I’ll check 'em out soon and see if I can fix 'em up. 2.46 introduced some minor incompatibilities (grumble) but nothing too hard to fix (hopefully) mancandy himself had to be rejiggered for 2.46.
if/when I do I’ll post something on this thread…