Proper unwraping of screwed tape

hey guys, i just wonder how to unwrap this kind shape properly without extra stretching ,deformation and densely aswell. actually was trying follow active squads ,but im not pleasant with results…
its jsut a small peace of the model and it takes too much space on UV map…
i d love to listen kinda advices about this . thank you

How much of it will be visible? Because if this going to be wrapped around something, only about half of it will be visible, and in that case, you could just Project from View.

Failing that, you could always try Lightmap Pack, which will pack everything into a scale, and you can easily scale the square to however much of the UV map you want.

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will be wrapped around a handle as example , is it possible to unwrap just small piece of tape and apply this small uv to the whole tape?cuz its composed of similar parts lets say

If you don’t want unique wrappings for each face, that makes things super simple :slight_smile: Grab all faces, press U, choose Reset. Now all faces use the same wrapping