Property problem

Hello, I’m new to gameblender and I’d like to know, how can I get an object’s property value when it has several properties and of course, in Python!!
Thanxs in advance


if you know the name of the property you want the value from, no problem:

Object.Propertyname = NewValue

Normally this would look like this if you access the Value from a python-controller owned by the same object the Property is owned by:

Cont = getCurrentController() #finds out where the python-script is
Owner = Cont.getOwner() #get’s the object this controller is linked to
Owner.Prop = Value #the property named “Prop” gets a Value

Hope i understood your question right…


Great! that was just what I was looking for, I knew that it was simple, but when you don’t know the language, it’s very hard to talk to the machine!!

Thanks a lot! :smiley: