Prototyping a game with no Python coding - possible?

I am looking into BGE for prototyping my next game. It will be a side scroller. Are there any tutorials / templates on how to create one without employing Python coding?
Thank you.

It is possible, I’ve done a game prototype without doing anything in Python (was a challenge for me to refrain from using Python). But it all depends on what you want the game to do.

Excluding a powerfull tool as Python from the beginning is usually not the best idea.

While Python is not a incredible thing which makes everything magically start working, it can be quite challenging not to use it.

Anyway, it is possible. Please keep in mind some things are not possible without Python.

after a certain point it becomes extremely complicated to manage hundreds of brick, but theoretically you can do everything, or 90%, I think

It places huge limitations, and aside from the first few tests I did with the game engine, I have used python in at least a few places.
Not using python means you can’t:

  • mouse movement input
  • joystick input
  • comparisons of properties (is property A = property B)
    and much more.

Well, I am not a coder. Especially not a Python coder :slight_smile:
The goal is to get the art and rapidly create prototype, which will have basic core gameplay. I am sure there are snippets of code that can be used for mouse and gamepad input.
The prototype is needed to show project’s code what is expected and how characters act in the game. The final game will be made using Darkplaces engine.
I actually though that BGE is already powerful enough to allow artists prototype games without delving into coding :confused:

It is one of the best. And you can find some relief from S2A (Monster’s Sensor to Actuator, does more than pure logic bricks can, and is relatively simple to use).
Then, hopefully Moguri’s components will reach Trunk eventually ;D

I use completly logic bricks ashide from a saveload and mouselook script and even the mouse look script can be done in logic i actually did it but it makes the movement to smooth almost like a steady camera.

ah, well, then you will have been very useful, my answer to your TD :smiley:

I think with the brick can do pretty good games that are based on physics, in that you should have no problems.

the important thing is that you do not put logic in the game (really)

As soon as you need logic - it is programming. It does not matter if you use logic bricks, Python, C or whatever. That are “just” tools.

I’m pretty sure “powerful” and “without coding” usually exclude each other ;).

That is indeed true :D. Do not forget to ask for help when you get problems. (You might find out that you are a python code after the prototype ;)).

You can check the resource forum for game templates. Make sure you use the right Blender version they are designed for.


Thank you guys. I will check out the resources, Monster. Thx.