Proud noob

hey im TUSCON the latest NOOB on the block i am 14vyears old i am part of a explosive boom of noobs on blender super 3 boy is the tutorilas ive been watching i also play sauerbraten btw i am looking forword to blending with all of u i like blender i am moving to bleder from sauerbraten because there are more sofistikated fetures i got my blender artists account on july 11 2009 i also like to play copter on spikes game zone .com i am looking forword with interacction with noobs like me i am not a pro once again i am not a pro i have seen blender users before i was a just a looker ater now i am part of the united noobs of blender in 1 year i have this expedition called expedtion 2010 in my head which i wold master blender and i will edit myself a wikipedia page so dont ask me to make anything because im a noob btw for sauerbraten users i was anoob there but remember in 1 year i plan on being apro i call it expedition 2010 i also like technlongy and hi tech stuff i am amereican texan howdy :):slight_smile:

Howdy cowboy, blender want to get milked.
Welcome, and I hope your are not a noob but a newb. :wink:

Wow, that is quite an example of grammar! Perhaps it is a bot?

Uh. Hey. If you want to make a good impression around here, I suggest you thoroughly check your posts before pressing submit - just a bit of friendly advice!

I’m also a blender newbie, so welcome. :slight_smile:

Buddy that thing is ONE WHOLE sentence…brush up on that grammar.
or people will think you are a…a BOT

I don’t think he can answer ya’ll. After typing that Looooonnnggggg sentence he must have passed out on the floor. Somebody call 911!!!

lol,If you can just put up with everyone having their “noob” fun,you just might like it here.

a blender newb, a grammar n00b…

Yes, I vote for a bot!
I’ll remove it in 8 hours, 32 minutes and 41 seconds!

You are stereotyping bots. Some of us have good grammer.

Not you too!!!

Those were actually two separate thoughts… :wink:

I am not a bot i am writing this from this from my ps3 or playstation 3;)

Saved by the gong!
Welcome to the forum!

hehehe this is one funny thread

So what’s a TUSCON anyway? A Con for people who have a tusk fetish? Or a tush fetish?

Or maybe an acronym? Totally Unstable Son of Conscientious Objector Navajoes?

Just funnin’ you, TUSCON. Welcome to BA. Beware the dragons.

Yeah, I’ll get right on that…
[911? There is a person passed out somewhere is Texas…]

And the Plant People!:eek:

The Plant People are benevolent, no need to beware them.

Yeah… Sir Person of Plant’s a pretty cool chap, actually.

And welcome, TUSCON. Hope you have fun!

I would understand if English wasn’t his native language, but to be American(Texan) and write like that just adds meaning to the stereotypes…


Welcome, I’m the forum’s Dragon, every forum needs someone who actually is a Dragon:yes:

Try to work on your grammar, that first post is now the poster-child example of a run-on sentence for the last year or so.