psl-man a MultiRig characte

Hi there!

I have just upload a demostration video about psl-man, a MultiRig character , before you ask, it´s for internal use for me and my students :slight_smile:
The idea is to get diferents characters in a few minutes.


This looks awesome, pepe :slight_smile:

Looks like fun.

Really nice concept. I like the different characters. Are you using bones as the only deformers?

Daniel, you’re characters are always so full with appeal. The Rednelb rig is one of my favorites

Daniel, you are my hero! Looks very fun to use!

This is amazing, as always :slight_smile:

And character designs are awesome.

It’s just bones and the great automatic weight asignament for skin, in fact the rig is so simple at the moment, it’s just a proof of concept .


Daniel, concerning the rig and character style you maybe interested in this

Yes! a new it, really cool stuff of keithlango, allways simple and funny :slight_smile: in fact we talk about multiRig via email.


That is one of the coolest rigs i’ve ever seen. Do you need 2.5 to create it, or is 2.49 good. And are you considering making a tutorial?

Basically was made with blender 2.49 features, but blender 2.5 it’s so cool :slight_smile:


Sorry for the capslock, but I really get excited of this rig.
The thing I hate about animating is rigging. And if I made 1 cool charakter and rigged it. I’ll have to rig the next-one. By then I don’t like my story anymore and lose the motivation to finisch my short.
This is the perfect solution to work out my concept story’s out on a fun way.
Since you don’t share it (wich I totally understand) I’m going to experiment with a multirig of my one.

Your great man,