Pterodactyls updated !

Well it’s exactly what the subject heading is…not much more to say that hasn’t been said here already :

Not bad.

The scale seems to be off IMO. The shadows make them look like they are like 5 feet off the ground, but the Terragen image looks like it should be farter down/away.


I know the sort of scaling error you mean, but I can’t see it here. They are meant to look pretty close to the ground.

Over 80 views and only 1 reply ? Is it really that boring ? Come on people, I’d like your input, negative or otherwise !

I like your pic, It has a cartoon touch, like Ice Age (the film…). Yea it exists some problems but I think you can handel it.

The scale seems to be off IMO. The shadows make them look like they are like 5 feet off the ground, but the Terragen …

I have to agree with BgDM. Problem is that if you really want them to be that close to the ground, you’ll have to change your background.

The Pteranodons now look like they are hundreds of meters big while they were actually something like 8 to 12 meters if I’m not mistaken. ( your background looks like mountains but would be hill’s or rather even sloops or bumps.)

nice reptiles, keep it up


Need a little work on the textures as they look a little flat. The skin needs to look rough. Also the transition from the beak to the head needs to be more defined maybe even model the beak separately.
Otherwise, it’s a good start.

Thanks for the comments and crits !
I wasn’t aiming for a cartoony-feel but it looks quite nice nonetheless so that’s ok.
I think the scaling problem must be due to this particular terrain. The animals are all quite close to the camera : the cliff face is quite distant but the terrain between it and the foreground is hidden by a dip in the ground. Ah well…
I think you’re right about the smooth textures, I probably should up the bump height a bit. The unclear beak-head transition must be a jpeg compression effect, 'cos there’s no fading between the two at all.

UPDATE : Follow same link for real-world compositions, I always wanted a dinosaur in my backyard…

LOL! That’s pretty funny.