Puchase Blender DVD after release?

…and still get all blend files?

sorry if this has been asked before, i dont think so…

Yes, of course : it’ll still be the same DVD.



ow i was also wondering about that.

but is there a certain amount of DVD’s?

you mean the orange dvd?

if i remember a statement of ton correctly they will only produce dvds once and the number will be very close to the number of preorders. so it will be hard to get a dvd afterwards! better order now if you want one.

So, if they are a success, they’ll just say : sorry we’re not going to take that money we need so much to make Blender grow and have other cool projects, just bigger and better ?

Oh well… it can still be bit torrented, copied and distributed at will under their licence.


The good use of P2P.

Salut à toi Jean


The good use of P2P.

Salut à toi Jean[/quote]

Content de te relire Omar :slight_smile:


Ah tien, des francophones :wink: Salut a vous

So If I understand the question correctly you are wondering if all the blend files for the movie will be on the dvd? That would be cool but I can only imagine the size of all those files!..well thats why you use a DVD…

Slepnyrl, It has already been said that the .blend files are on the DVD, but my question was, are the .blend files included ONLY with the pre-release?

I guess that you could say that, even in our cases :slight_smile:

So If I understand the question correctly you are wondering if all the blend files for the movie will be on the dvd? That would be cool but I can only imagine the size of all those files!..well thats why you use a DVD…

All of them ? I wish but I doubt it. A meaningful and fairly extensive selection of them is more likely. A making of ? That’d be nice

And tutorials, although the Community will take charge then, as usual in Blender’s case.


Joeri said on 28 Feb, 2006:
The project Orange dvd(s) contains all files needed to re-make the movie yourself. All blend files, all music, all textures, everything. It will also have the script in 40 languages, the orange blog, some making of documentaries, the movie in HD, and in PAL and NTSC format region free… I’m also looking into ways to get the dvd author files on the dvd…
It will play in your dvd player and be fully packed in your computer.

Ton said on 28 Feb, 2006:

Vassilios: we’ll put all final .blend files and textures on the disk, so you can re-render the entire movie if you like. In the space that’s left we’ll put older test files, deleted scenes, funny experiments, surprises, etc. :slight_smile: It’s going to be very complete.

Post #58 and #63 on this post:



Are the .blend files also under a CC license? That is, will it be possible/allowed to copy the entire DVD or even torrent it?

Yes. Open.

Ton is looking into copyright issues. The blender foundation does not want things like that guy that sells blender under onther name to happen to this project. This is to prevent the artists names being used for something they did not create. But with the content 100% intact, there should be no issues.

I wouln’t be to sure about torrent be the answer to your dvd availability though.
The most heard complaint about the blender conference videos is that people like to download them, but they don’t like to share them. The blender files are not going to fit on one dvd, so expect lengthy downloads.

Well I have a 1 Mbits upload bandwidth and no restriction so I won’t hesitate to seed the most important files… if the Foundation limits the number of DVDs that they sell, which I still can’t believe they’ll do.
In any cases the files can be seeded separately for smaller downloads, zipped with a licence.txt and a credits.txt file eventually.

BTW, hopefully without hurting your feelings, since you likely had nothing to do with the recording of them, but watching the videoconferences is a painful experience (bad video but mostly bad bad sound) that I wouldn’t want to share for sure.



Ton is looking into copyright issues. The blender foundation does not want things like that guy that sells blender under onther name to happen to this project. This is to prevent the artists names being used for something they did not create. But with the content 100% intact, there should be no issues.

only way to prevent ‘that other guy’ from distributing it if it is under an open content license would be using trademark law. There can’t be too much restriction on the DVDs since their was an implied contract about openness when people purchased the original DVD.

An issue mentioned is how to handle some of the sound (which can’t be open content)? And how to handle the voice recordings? Also the making of part of the video apparently the video from the voice recordings can’t be open content.

A workaround is possibly the official DVD tht is sold is mixed partially open content and partially not, but with a downloadable opencontent only version.

I wouln’t be to sure about torrent be the answer to your dvd availability though.
The most heard complaint about the blender conference videos is that people like to download them, but they don’t like to share them. The blender files are not going to fit on one dvd, so expect lengthy downloads.

I would think torrents and ibiblio would cover it. The conference videos I wasn’t even aware were available as torrents. Also for torrents I tend to prefer one large file to download.


The 2004 where torrent and got very little seeders. Yes I did the recordings of that, and yes the sound was bad. Later the 2004 recordings got hosted by nice sponsors.
So the 2005 recordings where downloads in the first place. And yes, again I did all the taping, editing, converting, and uploading of hours and hours of conference all by myself.

"There can’t be too much restriction on the DVDs since their was an implied contract about openness when people purchased the original DVD. "

Hmm, yes. The issue is this: What is Rembrandt sayd his paintings where open, what if people made copy (and added a bit), is it then still a Rembrandt? I see no problems if people copy 100%, 50% or even 110%.
But with 99% + 1% change not all parties will benifit. Say Luxorious3d is going to sell this movie, but calls it "an Andy and Matt movie called “Premo”, now for 14$ "… But all that’s changed is that title. Under current CC that’s legal, but not according the spirit of the CC.

As I understood from Ton the sound will be Open to. The voices will not be on the dvd. Only the music and the final mix. And the BF has got the rights from the voice actors to make that open (thank you). If the making-of was open then I’m not sure what the correct way of handling is towards alterations of this content. What if I add some little scenes where I claim to be the producer of the movie (instead of Ton). Can I still release it as “The making of?” Or should the license force me to add a note on what I alterd in the creditsscroll? I think these issues make it easier to release the making-of as closed content (not alterateable). But still free to copy.


The 2004 where torrent and got very little seeders. Yes I did the recordings of that, and yes the sound was bad. Later the 2004 recordings got hosted by nice sponsors.
So the 2005 recordings where downloads in the first place. And yes, again I did all the taping, editing, converting, and uploading of hours and hours of conference all by myself.

Just to be clear I wasn’t being critical, I was just unaware that they were bittorrented. As always I’m extremely grateful for the work you’ve done on that, fortunately it sounds like you have some volunteer help for next year which will be good.


forget my previous post in this thread. :slight_smile: ton has just posted to the orange blog that the dvds will stay available after release. don’t know where i had my idea from…

From what LohnC was telling me the files are not that big, I dont think downloads will be a big Issue.

What I am waiting for is a user project using these models.

I’ve pre-ordered the DVD, not so much for the movie itself but fo the wealth of knowledge that can be gained from the blend files. Also I wanted to give the the BF foundation again and help fund Blender development.

As someone who occasionally requests features and feels fortunate when those features are developed, I feel a responsibility to give back and continue Blender’s progress. Elephants Dream is a landmard event for us as a community. To those who have never given money to the BF fondation, I hope you consider buying the DVD.

Blender is free. Development like we have enjoyed for the past few years is not.