Pumpkin Tree - Work in Progress

Thanks to Fligh% and TorQ, I got the fiber script working and was able to get this blend very close to where I wanted it to be.

Quite simply, it’s a pumpkin tree! Yes I know pumpkins are squash and grow on vines, but in my world they grow on trees!

Anyway, the pumpkins were made using Wings 3d (slick tutorial floating around on the Wings 3d forums).

So, what are your thoughts? Impressions? Thanks!



Nice :smiley:
Give the tree a texture (nor). Maybe put a lamp with halo in the pumpkins, or just turn the energy higher.
Looks good.

Looks great. Is the fibre script difficult to use?

Good ideas! I’ll give those a try.

Nah, the Fiber script isn’t too hard, just lots of steps you need to perform.

Check out my thread in the General Discussion section if you need help, also a quick search on Elysiun will provide the remaining tutorial information.

I’ll texture the tree and play with the lighting soon, thanks for the suggestions.
