Puplock Holmes WIP

Hey everyone, this is my third dynotop sculpt.

Still have some touch up sculpting to do and really need to figure out materials. Materials still give me a hard time. Any feedback is appreciated.

The background is an image plane found here http://cghub.com/images/view/323241/ . Credit where credit is due.

Thanks for looking.

edit: I said second dynotop sculpt but forgot one, this is my third.


I really like this image, I have literally just spent around 5 minutes looking at it. The eye’s (to me) look angry, yet the lower part of the face looks like a happy puppy. It creates emotion, a sign of good artwork.

I really hope you put some nice materials on it and get it finished.

I wish I could sculpt like that excellent work!

Thanks Marshall Jones.

I was going to leave it dynotop, but I think now I am going to go through and retopo it so I can get some UV wrapping to work with. I agree the eyes look angry, although I am trying to get a stern, thoughtful look.

that’s a cute idea! it appears that the pipe is going into his left jowl - ouch! probably would be cooler to have the jowl draping over the pipe, with the pipe clearly causing a displacement of the jowl. then it will look like he really has it in his mouth. but - great start! :slight_smile:

Really great work!

Thanks ArasTM.

Wolfred, you are correct on the pipe. It wasn’t very noticeable until I textured the pipe and after I posted the image I saw it and had one of those “DoH” moments. It’s on the top of my list of things to correct. I also cheated on the texture and used the same one as the stand. I need to give it it’s own texture. Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated.

I got the shirt retopo’d this morning. Hope to get the rest done over the next few days, then try to get some better textures on it.

This is a very cool idea! I also like the sculpting but there’s one thing that is not anatomically correct. A dog’s nostrils are open to the side also. You’ve bumped the sides in a little but it has to be totally cut out. I’ve added a photo of my dobe’s nose to show what I mean. besides from that i find it awesome.

Thanks for the info IronLung. When I get to retopo on the dog I will take that into account.

Here is a little update on it.

I retopo’d the shirt, coat and hat and gave them UV maps which made my homemade marble texture show up. In the first picture I think the scale was way off. I also tweaked the texture a bit once I could see it. I moved the pipe a little bit, but will fine tune it when I retopo the dog.

I ran into some issues with the shrink wrap modifier, I think because my original sculpts were too thin. Sometimes it would wrap to the front faces and sometimes the back leaving a big mess to clean up. I ended up just retopo’ing, doing multi rez and resculpting the details and gave up on shrinkwrap. I have used it on a previous sculpt so I think it will work on the dog.

I put a displacement texture on the hat for testing. Now I need to figure out how best to bake it down because the poly’s are getting out of control. My computer is not a happy camper right now.

Any input is greatly appreciated.


The marble texture looks good on the shirt, however I did like that ceramic look of the first image a little better.

With more realistic wood and metal materials on the stand will look great.

Good luck with the retpo.

Excellent work. It’s a piece that makes you smile.

I agree, I like the material in the first post. And the building out of the window looks off perspective to me. All minor stuff. Great concept and execution.

Finally got the dog retopo’d.

Updated some textures, added a band where the brass stand and wood post meet, reworked the table top, added a HDRI map for reflection although it really isn’t doing much (thanks to blenderallday for allowing me to study their .blend).

Getting closer. I have a few more ancillary items I want to add, then start fine tuning lighting and textures. I think I need a bit more contrast to bring out the shadows some. It seems a bit washed out right now.

I had to take the quality down to 82% to get my jpg below 200k. I don’t think it lost much though.

Thanks for looking and ay input.


Well I managed to get some cavity maps made by following a tutorial I found online. I could not get it to work on the coat, just the dog hat and shirt. Can not seem to figure it out so the coat does not get a cavity map. Adjusted the light a bit and made the eye pupils smaller.

I was going to add a couple more items on the table but now I have changed my mind. I’m ready to move on to something new.

Here is the final renders.

Thanks to everyone who gave their valued input.
