PURGATORY - Quarantine Station


You know, this is a fantastic collection of “fly-bys” in an amazingly detailed world. The rendering is superb.

But nonetheless, I found myself looking for a story. That maybe there would be a character getting off a boat onto this place, and that the sequence of shots would at least convey a cinematographically-cohesive sense of exploration and journey through it. The edit that you have right now simply does not convey that. There doesn’t seem to be anything that links one shot to the next, such that I might anticipate what the next shot will be. Instead, it’s an unorganized slide show. I say this because I really feel that “this could easily be much more.”

Tell me the story of this place. Lead me through it. Explain it to me. Use graphics to let me experience this world that I will never physically see.


Nice work!
I see no humans living in the island, so I think removing the smoke from the chimney and the food could make everything a bit more real.

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Hi @sundialsvc4
Thank you for your comment.
This is a first part of a series of videos that explain and give more content to the Flores Island:
the history, the social aspect, the propose of these buildings, etc.
I look forward to read your comments when the whole work is realeased.

Hi @robi
Thank you for your comment,
The smoke and the food enhance the lack of inhabitants.

nice work.

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Yes, what I mean though is that my first question has been: if no one lives there, who the f* lightened the fire inside the factory? Followed by: who cooked that food? When? Who is supposed to eat it? This sort of things. It feels to me a bit like when you see a nice, polished rendering of a fast car speeding down a road, everything hyper realistic, detailed, cleaned up and post processed, but no one is driving. It turns me down, but it’s just an opinion, in the end your work has to work for what you want to tell, not for what others may prefere.

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