(blender 3.6, cycles, 128 samples w/o denoising)
(*): dandelion, blowball
It is not the end but the beginning of a new cycle.
(still catching up …)
(blender 3.6, cycles, 128 samples w/o denoising)
(*): dandelion, blowball
It is not the end but the beginning of a new cycle.
(still catching up …)
Heute habe ich ein neues Wort gelernt!
Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome.
“Pusteblume”? I really love that word. It carries a reminiscence to the childhood, when you went around and grabbed the “Löwenzahn” and blowed it seeds in “alle 4 Winde”.
Yes, Pusteblume! But now you’ve gone and taught me Löwenzahn! (I wonder why it’s -tooth?)
The leaves are deeply serrated, that’s probably where the tooth comes from:
In English, they are called dandelion, which is originally from the French, where it translates to 'tooth of the lion"
and here I thought they were misspelled “Dandy-Lions”!
Thank you for contributing to my continued education!!