I have a wine bottle that I’ve modeled and now I want to wrap the label I designed in illustrator on the bottle. I’m sure this is easy but I can’t seem to hit on the right combination.
thanks much
I have a wine bottle that I’ve modeled and now I want to wrap the label I designed in illustrator on the bottle. I’m sure this is easy but I can’t seem to hit on the right combination.
thanks much
Add a tube, scale it so it fits around the bottle and is as tall as the lable, then delete the parts that aren’t “lable.” UV unwrap the tube and flatten out the UV map. Add your image in the UV editor window, fit the UV map to the image.
Or you can add an empty inside your bottle. Add a texture to the bottle material, use the image and set to Clip instead of extend. Then in Map Input, set the co-ordinates to Object and put the name of the Empty in the Ob field. Now wherever the Z axis of the empty is pointed, the image will be projected onto the bottle form the inside. Play with the sizes in Map Input to get it to scale.