Please read my post below with another picture in it…
My walls were made from a square, subdivided for the the windows, then I removed the edges and extra stuff, faced them.
Well, the face/edge on the bottom half doesnt match the faces/edges on the top half. They should because I didnt move them.
But the edge has depth, I guess. And you can see the edge. In fact in some places you can see through the wall to the outside.
I tried subdividing the top edge, and then merge the one vert formed with the vert of the edge above and then delet the two edges and add the face again.
But that stupid edge still shows. I am very frustrated with blender right now. Errrrrggggg.
You can see the picture below. I had to drag one edge up to get to the other for the subdivision, but was able to merge to the one below putting it back.
It would be nice if blender had a key to tab though edges, or something similar, based on the face selected.
If you understand. You know, select the face, choose the v key to click through the verts on the face, or the e key to click through the edges.
That would be really nice to select what you need.
Ok, any tricks on how to fix this? Collapse the edges takes them to a point by the door. So it collapse verts, not edges.
Too bad, it cant merge them.