PWS-26 - polish old plane

Hi everybody.

I was out for a while. Unfortunatelly I had to suspend (not for long I hope) work on PZL P.1

It was suspend, because I had to finish some covers for my publisher. One of them is for book about polish training biplane PWS-26. I started to model it more then week ago and I’am close to finish modelling stage. So here it is. I hope you’ll like it…

Wonderful detail work!!!
I can’t see anything wrong with it.:wink:

Crits? Yea right! lol. This is an awesome model! How in the world do you get that good as to know how to do that? Nice job man!

Very nice compositon, and great work on the modeling, i will look forward to seeing a texure on it perhaps.

I is beautiful, but I am still trying to figure out where the bullets come out…

mrys so glad to see your work and wires posted here again. For those of you not familiar with his work go check out his awesome website

In this period it was very often way to mount machineguns in fuselage with radial engine. There was a long tube in front of barrel (you can see eliptical hole just before barrel on my model) and leading straight between engine cylinder’s block.

Thanks redgrund:) I hope to back to PZL P.1 soon and reanimete this thread.:slight_smile:


I’m looking forward to see textures on this fantasticly modeled aircraft.

Awesome! This model rocks even without texturing.

Thanks for kind words mates!

There are some updates. Few elements on fuselage but mainly this wired web between wings…

Good modeling, way to go!

What I’m wondering though is how many planes have been reported to have shot down them selves, using the gun?
It’s funny how the bullets are supposed to leave the barrel, enter that hole, pass beside the engine and exit through the propeller.

I thought the same thing as I viewed the picture. Detail on the plane model is excellent. Is the opening in the front a giant cannon? :stuck_out_tongue: j/k. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

I’m really excited how the Whirlwind engine will look. Anyways, it will surely look awesome.

You know what you are doing and have great modeling skills and sense for technical detail!

Thanks for a kind word mates!

Next update - engine. Not to much detailed, but it will be only partialy visible.

So there is a time for propeler and interior now…

Really??? It looks detailed to me! You are a great modeler to think that this is not too detailed! Great job man!

I meant engine, not whole plane :slight_smile:

Next update: the plane has its propeler. Time to UV mapping…

Yea I know that you meant the engine. It still looks pleanty detailed to me. Good Luck with UV mapping!

Wow & wow - to both choice of subject and execution!

Amazing work again, Marek. It’s really impressive how you manage to get the most delicate shapes under control without using too many polys. If you still find polymodeling “hard”, I’d say you’re learning extremely quick!

That said, I’d love to see a wireframe of that hud (or shield, whatever) in front of the engine. I’ve got no idea how you managed to get that shape so cleanly defined…:eek:

Keep up the good work,

What really amazes me is how you make each and every part of the plane seem like a separate object. For example, how in the world did you make the panelling on the engine hood look separate and still be able to subsurf them and make the whole thing curved into a circle perfectly? If they aren’t separate objects, I’m baffled as to how you manage to make those panels.
