Pynodes.What the heck???

I’ve being using blender for mostly for modeling an animation,but I’m very new to Python scripting.Will the new Pynodes give us the option to custom our shaders or some kind of script compositing?
What I’m I missing here?

pyNodes are currently being developped. here’s the blog of the developer:
you can go and search fresh news on this topic over there :wink:

Thanks olivS.

Most of it still doesn’t make sense to me, but what did sounds great for Blender’s future.

For now my top priority is getting a proper scriptable node available. Scriptable meaning you can tell the node how many inputs and outputs it has, and what type they are.

Currently I’m in the progress of making shading data as provided by the renderer available to the scripter. The best I can show you for now is:

On the left the script that generates the ‘texture’.


Hi jesterKing,will you supply us a N,L,I variables(normal,light vector and camera incidence vector)?.
If I understand correctly the work you are doing is a bit like pytexture or
plugin texture,where there is no shading variables,only pattern generation.But at least these little quantities could be very useful.
BTW,thank you for your work.

All interesting data will be made available at some point :slight_smile: Cessen has done a camera node, you could add that as an input socket to a pynode.

All (sensible) stuff from ShadeInput will be brought to the scripters domain: check the definition of the ShadeInput struct used.


The node based material is allready very powerful(with some bad and diirty tricks you can do very interesting stuff)but with your work the things get serious,thank you very much Nathan.
When you release it I’ll try to make a good fake subsurfacescattering shader network for skin(actually I have allready made it with the current blender node system but it’s a bit tricky to use and there are some minor issues that I need to solve)
Take a look(the model isn’t finished and texturing isn’t really done,it’s a wip),but I think I’m on the right way:

Test image

Shading network



awesome! :slight_smile:

Sometimes I think coding the nodes would be eaiser than trying to figure oit how the hell to decpfer the nodes… Especially since they STILL use options in the material window as well so infact you have several windows of configing… 0~0

Youngbatcat,it’s not too confusing.The thing seems complex but it’s not,really.

I’m probably going to have to learn these nodes once 2.42 comes out, though unfortunately I don’t know anything about python nor do many people so someone could make a one stop thread for such node scripts.

The node system looks quite powerful :o

My main gripe with the current system is that you have to use both the node system and the material/texture buttons which can get pretty confusing. Also, there is no way of setting displacement mapping in the node editor, which is a pain in the buttocks.

[edit] I’m well aware that it’s still a WIP project, I’m just saying what I think should be changed as development continues.

My main gripe with the current system is that you have to use both the node system and the material/texture buttons which can get pretty confusing. Also, there is no way of setting displacement mapping in the node editor, which is a pain in the buttocks.

That what I meant. The two dont get along and it is still a back and forth work flow from one to the other…

bmax,actually it’s not true.You can use displacement,but only on 1 material,the one you linked first(before checking the node icon).
In this way you have the nodes which do the shading/texturing and the original material which does the displacement,it’s a bit strange but it seems to work very well,you can use more than one texture for displacement,but only in the original material

^That explanation confused me even more.

JesterKing,thanks for taking time out to come over here an let us know what the pynodes are going to be.
Your work is much appreciated.


No problem. I’ll try to check back on this thread as often as possible, and answer questions where needed.


Input sockets working

API for setting socket definitions has changed, see script visible in screenie.


very interesting!