I have already posted a topic about this problem some weeks ago, but it had no answer.
I am very new with python, and i am trying to make a script . I want a character to take an object, making the object a child of the character at a specific moment (frame) , but I don’t understand how to adserve the actions with the frames.
I suppose there is a connection with the options Redraw, Framechanged
or Onload available in the scriptlink panel, but I am not able to synchronize the actions in the code with precise frame number.
I haven’t found anything in the Python Api for Blender, neither in the Blender 2.3 manual except few general informations p574-575.
May I found some precise explanations or tutorials about such an action, or a link to a script example, somewhere ?
For the moment I don’t need Python at all for this topic ! I’ll search later how to do with python if necessary, but at the moment, it works.
I tried the Constraint Ipo curves “influence” ant it works well. I just need two curves : the first one for the constraint before the character takes the object and while moving it, and the second one for the constraint after dropping the object.
This second constraint is necessary, because the object is still attached to its former coordinates and it would return to its previous position when dropped !
But maybe my fault, because I think right now that the object is probably a child of the table on whitch it is set ! I must verify !
Hi ! News : Not two, but four Ipo curves are necessary : Loc & Rot when taking the object, constraint toward the object that takes and carries the other, and Loc & Rot when dropping the object, constraint toward the table on which the carried object is put down. In fact, I have used two objects (empty, or hidden inside an other one) as magnet for the constraints targets.
I had a little problem, but early solved with CTRL+A : the moved object was deformed during it’s travel when rotated.
I have checked the function with a simple robot harm, and now I’ll can use the method for my character !