PYTHON: AI system, nodes, bots, waypoints, pathfinder, Astar(last demo in page 2)

hi to all
with the aid of social
we are creating a very simple system of artificial intelligence

you can download the file here:

you can choose between 3 types of nodes ::o

green: free way

red: way hopes

blue: restricted nodes

am going to continue improving it
him lack much work still (more types of nodes)

Cool! This is very much needed XD

hi social
i advanced a litle more on the script :wink:
now in the condicional nodes (BLUE)in the property NODOS
you can write only the NUMBER of the nodes you like choice you bots.
and now you show or hide the nodes with F1 OR F2 KEYS
you can download the example here::slight_smile:
now i work in example whith character soldier animate and your fps_template example.

Make the bot go around the walls if its following the player.

The bot stuck in the wall.

Looks good, POCHO & Social. Keep it up!


thanks stu_flowers
Koer I works in this bugs. now i learn about pathfinder and
linked lists .for implemation in the script.

you can download the example blend here:
i create a double bot in the 4 layer
i tried create a hinge effect that the zombie that this:
but dont work
martinsh please check the layer four
how do you do this hinge effect?

to do hinges, or constraints, for ragdolls, you have to use one of the 2.43 release candidates, the constraints are in the object button panels (f7) also, can you upload to a different server? the download stops for me around 200kb for some reason, i’ve tried about 5 times

thanks rangigchaos66 for the info
you can tried download here:;6745810;;/fileinfo.html
or here:

I am learning on the algorithm a* and to pathfinder
and to find example of pathfinder of “SCABOOTSSCA” for blender 2.41 ( VERY NICE EXAMPLE MAN )
i take this example an adapted to the blender 2.43 bullet
you can dowload here:

you need python 2.4 install in you pc , for this example works:

It’s nice to see you make progress :slight_smile:

ok i working in the script
and learning the module Astar of SCABOOTSSCA
i create a very simple example of bots
with wayPoints system and pathfinder Astar
you change the camera 1 or 2
and visible / invisible WAYOPOINTS whith F1 . F2

you can download the blende file:;8051459;;/fileinfo.html
or here:
now i continning learning python and implementation of Player pursuit pathfinder in the next example.

Looks like me and p00fs works is starting to finally inspire some people!

we now have 2 people doing AI scripts,

You guys should look at unreal 2004 for more ideas, they have a nice bot system.

p00f and I are going to move on to a diffrent type of AI soon, hope we can get you guys to follow us for this too :smiley:

Also, you guys are over complicating things with the different node types, you should have some way to compile all the nodes into small sub networks that the bot chooses when he reaches a cross roads.

If I have more time later today, I will link you guys to the 3d game studio tutorial site, it can really help out I think.

All in all great work guys!

thanks very much Mmph! for your commentaries
I inspired to me by games like: unreal, mohaa or half life for the system of ia
lack many things to do .
many things to learn in python.
but someday it will finish this system.


Those games inspire us too :smiley:

We are also overwhelmed by the possibility’s we can add to our simple logic brick only AI.

We spend more time arguing about what features to implement next ,than actually implementing and documenting.

anyways, you have done a very nice job POCHO, I am looking forward to seeing how this AI ends up.

the blender community needs all the AI it can get :smiley:

AH! I see you stole the models from Quake2 as well, I saw .obj, And i just had to steal them and mod them to my hearts content!!! I even turned them into MK ningas!! I’ll post my pic somewhere!!!

hey pocho i didnt make the pathfinding script in that. i only hooked it up to ai that is saluk’s script from a long time ago

here are some scripts i made <- grid a* pathfinder <-another that should be faster <- not sure it’s a pathfinder though <- a pathfinder that finds a path along the edges in a mesh, like the one in the demo

im not sure which is which though those are just guesses (i need to organize better)

woooaaa cool .
SCABOOTSSCA you are the man
excellent examples
i very new in the python languaje ( 1 year ago i start learning)
your examples always serve me to learn something new .
thanks very much for the examples files.

nice work guys!

You mention looking at Unreal ai system, I tried looking for this but could not find anything. Can you post some links or something ? thanks