Python and Blender - combo and templates?

What combination of Python and Blender should i be using now? Are there templates to help me get started correctly? i have input the correct PYTHONPATH as shown in other emails but am still get numerous errors.

also, i haven’t used the forums much, so i’m not even sure this is going to the “Blender Python & Plugins” forum - hope so.

thank you tremendously for any and all help. [/b]

Ah! Found combo that works:

 Python 2.3 with Blender 2.8 works;

Set env var for PYTHONPATH via my computer > properties > advanced … GUI.

import with “from Blender …” at command line

Now! Can add my regular code.

Strange, I thought 2.2 was the preffered thing. I tried using 2.3 and got an immediate error. Reverted to 2.2, and no such error.

i have only tried a few features, but python 2.3 is what i downloaded on my new-to-me computer seat and it worked with blender 2.28.

Python 2.2 is the ‘official’ version for blender. Latest revision of python 2.2 is 2.2.3, available as always from .

I’m no Python guru, but I have seen people posting problems in the forums which have been caused by using 2.3. Best to stick with 2.2 to be sure.

Thank you. I’ll use 2.2 then.