Is there controll for point or handle level manupulation on curves like meshes? For a project I am working on it would be greatly helpfull if I coul use a script to bend a curve (spring). I know that NMesh works for meshes, but is there anything for curves? [email protected]
No, there’s no access to curve data in the Blender API (well, somehow, the structure is already there for IPO curve, but it was never transfered to the curve object). Sadly.
That is too bad. I guess I will just have to come up with some other way of doing it. Thanks for the help. Is there anywhere I can get the documention on the latest python implemtation? asdf_46
For Blender 2.23 or Publisher 2.25?
If you want some easy documentation, just browse the docstrings of the module. Docstrings are the doc properties of objects.