Okay, so first off I’m really new to working with python so this could be a really stupid problem but it’s had me stumped for the past few hours. It seems Python can’t locate the blender module. I was trying to get a script to run and eventually through troubleshooting realized that the problem was coming from python failing to import blender, even in a simple line such as…
import Blender
entered into the console, I’ll receive a response saying…
ImportError: No module named Blender
No module namde I’ve already tried uninstalling both python and blender however no luck. I’m running Blender 2.57a 64bit and Python 3.2 64bit on a Windows 7 home premium 64 bit machine. Thanks in advance for any help.
NOTE: not sure if caps matter but I’ve tried it both ways
blender includes python. you should be looking for python in blender rather than vice versa. click on the help menue in blender and choose show console. and yes caps matter in python.
Thanks for the fast reply. Although I don’t think you quite understand what I mean. I’ll try to explain. The script I’m trying to run uses the blender API and I think blender itself but it is run from outside of the program (blender). Now as I stated above I’m still very new to python but from what I understand I think the script needs to import the module “Blender” in order to have access to the bpy. I may be wrong about the reason but regardless, the first thing the script does is try: import blender. In case your wondering I’ve heard plenty of reports of this script working for other people (it’s the .blend import script for unity by the way). It’s really late where I live so I’m sorry if this last message of mine is beyond comprehension. Thanks again for your time and help