Python & Console Problems with blender 2.30 and Mac OS X

Two questions:

(1) How do I get a console output with Mac OSX? I tried a variety of blender start methods and redirection but got nowhere.

(2) Is there any trickiness I should be aware of with using Python in blender on Mac OS X. I have 10.2.1 and Python 2.2.


When I start blender from a bash shell, I get some feedback to stdout, but when python script fails, no message is provided. I am getting

“error in other (possibly external) file, check console”

$PYTHONHOME is set correctly.

Any advice appreciated!

I don’t know anything about Mac but read this thread and the link I gave in it. Also the Pythonpath sticky in that forum.


Cool, thanks. I’ll look at the PYTHONPATH env variable. It’s good to know that blender/python DOES work with Mac OS X.