(Python) Custom menu of active Grease Pencil Colors-Blender 2.79b

So,I was looking to accelerate the coloring workflow in grease pencil by creating a custom menu of the active GP palette colors.I have scripted a Python code for this purpose and was facing the following issues-

1.Since GPcolors are stored as index values as a combination of stroke and fill color arrays (correct me if I am wrong) I couldn’t find any pointer functions to index values. 2.The code when run indicates an endless loop of menus. Any suggestions would help.The code is given below-

import bpy
class GPcolorMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = “GPcolors”
bl_idname = “gpencil.GPcolor_menu”

def draw(self, context):
    layout = self.layout

    for color in bpy.data.grease_pencil["GPencil"].palettes["GP_Palette"].colors:

#tried using bpy.context above but gave an attribute error

        layout.menu(GPcolorMenu.bl_idname, text=color.name)

#could not find any pointer function to display and select color name

def register():

def unregister():

if name == “main”:
