Python Daily videos

@comeinandburn : well I think in this specific case that this modifier works. I do hope at some point that we get pymodifiers.

The next video is up!

great… I can’t wait!

First Daily of the week is up!

Hey all my fellow blenderheads! Seems like my main computer went up into the garbage heap high in the sky! However, I think it’s a simple fix…so be patient while I get things fixed. If you listened/watched my last video you should know about my website plans…luckily I can use my lowly tablet pc for that! So I’m taking some time to get the logo just right…build the website and then I hope to be back up and recording in no time! Just have to wait for newegg to deliver the goods! I updated the video list regarding what I have planned to record once everything get’s fixed…

With that in mind anyone have any feedback on what they’d like to see regarding the website?

Well after a few hardware replacements I’ve finally gotten my computer up and running again! I’m not sure if I’ll get to recording videos this week. At the latest a new video will be available 5/24. Happy to have my hardware working!

I get this error message on Bl 2.55 W32 …

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Text", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'bpy' is not defined

So please add for those poor peaple as me, where it is not automatic?!

import bpy

Very nice method to do …!!!

Small suggestions to (the video I saw) concerning the rotation of the empty.
In place of scaling the hook from zero to 90, use Ctrl 90 ?
And in the script import radians

.... = [radians(90),0,0] # (not everybody knows Pi by head)

And adjusting it already in the creation of the empty?

The trick with the False 31 times is ok.
But needing it twice be lazy and suggest this?

forLayer1T31F =[True]+[False]*31

And my version wants only list of 20 (so I did forLayer1T19F)

So the start of my code looks like this

import bpy
forLayer1T19F = [True]+[False]*19
from math import radians

bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY', view_align=False, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(radians(90), 0, 0), layers=forLayer1T19F)

emp = bpy.context.object = "rot_link"

Peter looks now for the next tutorial …

A remark to your comments in the script!
In principle I agree, that commenting source is a ‘wise’ decision, but only if it gives extra(needed) information not yet ‘visible’.
To comment builtin functions like bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add is not really meaningful (to my opinion)
Maybe only this one
#Create, save(=assign a variable), and rename three objects: Empty, Curve and Torus
#bpy.context.object refers to the just created object used to have a variable for that object to refer to.