python error - check console

trying to put a 3d image into a walkthrough - keep getting a python script error

here is the message:
Compiled with Python version 2.4
checking for installed python…got it!
Trying to import AC3D model <s> from C:
Traceback <most recent call last>:
File “<string>”, line 520, in filese1_callback
File “<strign>”, line 196, in_init_
File"<string>", line 407, in parse_file
File “<string>”, line 255, in parse_mat
Value Error; invalid literal for float <>: rgb

what am i doing wrong

Didn’t I see a thread like this before?

I remember people said something about “us not being able to read minds yet”, and requesting a .blend, and a little more information on what you are actually doing.

Hmm… Was that you, maybe?

what your doing wrong is posting in the wrong section of the forum, this section is on the blender game engine not standard blender python scripts :stuck_out_tongue:

Maul, unfortunately this error is a bit too difficult to diagnose without seeing the .blend. I have contacted the email address you provided in your last thread with an email address where you can reach me. Hopefully I can help you.