How do you set python path in blender? It said somthing about setting it to use the LSystem Tree script and I’m not sure how…
Are you using windows or linux?
it’s mentionned in many messages, some of which are only 10 or so posts down. I could, of course, give you the answer, but I might forgot a part or anyway, some people explained it better than I do.
its Ok…I found it…Just pull that little tag thing down from the top and type it…than Cntrl+U to save user defaults…got it…
I’m trying to do the same thing, but i dont have an autoexec.bat caus of fucking WindowsXP . . . god damn crap ass microsoft.
It’s a good thing that tHe IcemAn isn’t around here a lot any more… He would have flamed your ass for asking about such trivial things
Wow…You read way down there…This post is 10 days old and you just now reply?
I’ve never claimed to be very fast…
I hope your path problem is solved by now.