Python Plugins, More Power to Blender

We have the beginnings of a great set of Python plugins for Blender that will boost Blenders power in the future.

The Fiber Script

The MakeHuman Script

The Extractor Script for Yafray

The Yablex Script for Yafray

These are just a few of the scripts that are in the beta stage.

I was wondering if there are any other scripts that are available and on the rise for function like-

Particle Dynamics -with collision detection for realistic simulated water, snow, dust, etc.

For cloth simulations- with collision detection for clothing, hair, etc

For collision dynamics- bouncing objects, shattering objects, etc

It would be nice if all of these types of plugins where put under one link on this forum so that we could beta test them and offer coding help etc.

You forgot Blender World Forge :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d be sort of suprised if there weren’t an archive of Python scripts and addons, freshmeat style.

for collision dynamics (minus your shattering) my ODE works for windows.

but it does gravity and rigid body collision

Thanks MacBlender! I have been keepng up with your scripts progress and it looking better all of the time.

I know that I missed mentioning lots of other powerful scripts that we use in Blender so maybe someone mention the other main ones.

i took some time yesterday and checked the scripts from the sticky “script list effort”, and i have noticed two things: (1)cool scripts out there. (2) it’s hard to get them running.

i mean no offense, but somehow we have to improve on this. i got the feeling, because it is called a “script”, it is not tested the way a “program” would. it would be very cool to have a large base of scripts around from which even the newbie can pick the one she needs and start to play. let’s get over with this “path not found” and “AttributeError” things.

imho makehuman is a good example for a good script (i know it is more than a script :smiley: )


ps:now you know the reason why i do not distribute my scripts :smiley:

This is what the python developers have been working on - better python integration, ie the ability for a script to add itself to a menu.

Coming soon…

you forgot lsystem

You forgot Blended Midi too. It is not something that is normaly thought of, but there is a huge amount of potential to it.

yeah!!! go blended midi :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

btw… there is a list already… this looks quite senseless. the scriptlist contains only working script… and they are all usefull…