python script help

Im not sure if im supposed to be posting here but I need help with python scripting I just started learning

>>> name = raw_input('what is your name? ')
what is your name? 
>>> print "Hello, " + name + "!"
Hello, !
>>> raw_input("Press <enter>")
Press <enter>

every time I try to run it it gives me this message

“invalid syntax”

even if I type something as simple as print ‘hello’ and execute the .py it gives me the same error message.

Are you using blender 2.5 or 2.49? Because in 2.5, the version of python is now 3.1. And in 3.1 print is now a function. You must use it like that.


for raw_input(), there is a disscussion about it over here:

Im sorry should have clarifyed, im just practicing creating a separate program from blender and am having problems with executing the program im creating.

Python isn’t “stand-alone”, at least around here, it’s got to have something to do with Blender.

Good luck developing a “hello world” but you should at least have a basic use intended.

Moderator should kill thread.