Python script stops working eventually

when i start my game everything works fine but this particular script stops working after a while :confused:

\cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
\own = cont.owner
\always = cont.sensors[‘always’]
\LR = cont.sensors[‘direction1’]
\FB = cont.sensors[‘direction2’]
\RL = cont.sensors[‘direction3’]
\BF = cont.sensors[‘direction4’]
\switch1 = cont.sensors[‘onswitch1’]
\switch2 = cont.sensors[‘onswitch2’]
\switch3 = cont.sensors[‘onswitch3’]
\switch4 = cont.sensors[‘onswitch4’]
\walk1 = cont.actuators[‘walk1’]
\walk2 = cont.actuators[‘walk2’]
\walk3 = cont.actuators[‘walk3’]
\walk4 = cont.actuators[‘walk4’]
\move = cont.actuators[‘move’]
\change1 = cont.actuators[‘changeto1’]
\change2 = cont.actuators[‘changeto2’]
\change3 = cont.actuators[‘changeto3’]
\change4 = cont.actuators[‘changeto4’]

\speed1 = [0.001,0,0]
\speed2 = [0,0.001,0]
\speed3 = [-0.001,0,0]
\speed4 = [0,-0.001,0]
\direction = own[‘direction’]

\if LR.positive:
\ cont.activate(walk1)
\ move.dLoc = speed1
\ cont.activate(move)
\if FB.positive:
\ cont.activate(walk2)
\ move.dLoc = speed2
\ cont.activate(move)
\if RL.positive:
\ cont.activate(walk3)
\ move.dLoc = speed3
\ cont.activate(move)
\if BF.positive:
\ cont.activate(walk4)
\ move.dLoc = speed4
\ cont.activate(move)
\if switch1.positive:
\ cont.activate(change1)
\if switch2.positive:
\ cont.activate(change2)
\if switch3.positive:
\ cont.activate(change3)
\if switch4.positive:
\ cont.activate(change4)

Can somebody please help me? i’m in a huge hurry to finish this game beacause i need to turn it in by friday and i have been struggling on this script for days :frowning:

Which Blender version?
Give your *.blend (find a way! Later after enough post it is possible here)