Python scripts for CAD?

I recently discovered this:

and I want to know if is a python script for Blender who can make something similar.

Not that I am aware of. Those object snap hints are really awesome though.

Will be difficult to write one? I want to learn python and write some scripts.

Hello, I tried to learn python to do similar things - make cad tools and came across a few limitations (including my programming ability). Here was my efforts:
I think this sort of tool is quite possible and I would like to see it. I kind of gave up due to python blender python difficulties and time.
If would wish to write it yourself I could help you get on the right track.

ps there are some architect scripts here but not like the one you mentioned.

if you want to learn python, here’s a good place to start.

Thanks dazzler for your tips.

Have somebody Stani’s Python Editor? The official homepage of SPE seems to be down:

SPE is a good IDE for Python and have included support for Blender python development and also for wxPython.

I found a package but Im getting the same error reported here:

Or know somebody another python IDE with support for Blender and wxPython?

P.S. openSUSE 10.2 here.

that should not be done via python.
that should be hard coded!

the tools are very very useful!

it looks like the LW people watched SketchUP a lot.

Very nice!!! The lightwave people implemented cad functions in top of their program, and look how neat it is… Exactly what could happen with blender… Actually many things are on their way, we have a vertex snap now, which is working very well already, and several of those little things like displaying edge length in viewport already exist… I have read many posts about making all this more accessible to python, it should help us soon.

yes, these tools would be easier hardcoded. one thing that I found hard to code in python was the lack of accessibility of blender’s inbuild tools and options, for example the function control-alt-shift-F: select linked flat faces: I had to recode in python to click-drag a subdivided edge (eg. house wall)
also, having to exit/re-enter edit mode to allow python to discover the currently selected verticies makes life hard.

I recently had to do design a building floor plan for someone, and resorted to using sketchup :frowning: . The most useful tool was the dimension tool - which selects 2 points or an edge, and an axis, and it displays updateable dimensions. there is of course this script:
but sketchup was just easy to use.

blender’s new vertex snapping looks promising…

Spe is back on:

Hey thanks Stani, I got it working on my Mandriva…

That is excellent Stani : falling on Google when I was trying to go to your site made me hate Google for the first time.

Are you checking on the event system refactor? That could mean SPE from within Blender, couldn’t it? I’d pay for that :slight_smile:
Take care man.
