Python version problem MAYBE??

Hello folks.

I was looking at Its a 3d pyton module that lets you do basically the same things that blender does but a lot easiier and with VERY limited scope from what blender does

Anyway it requires python2.2 so I uninstall python 2.0.1 and install python 2.2. I am running Windows me and blender v 2.23. I also changed the python path env variable to point to the new folders.

Ok I have not tried running any of the blender scripts that I have but I wanted to know will there be a problems. If so How do I keep both version of pyton. I really do not relish giving up the HD space but having two python installs but if I must I must.


Some really old scripts need python 1.* but most usable scripts will work with py 2.2+ I couldn’t get Blender to work, dispite setting everything correctly, so finally, I think it was Theeth, told me to set the path to the lib in blender directly.

If this is your case, pull down the top “hidden” menue and put the entire path to the libraries in the python spot IE :


Or whatever it is (not at home now, not sure all is capitalized, etc…)

good luck, INgie

little word of warning though, this will work for most of the scripts, but for some that require the use of dynamic libraries, you will need to define a proper Pythonpath variable.


Ingie I think you are using winXp I am using ME and blender creator 2.2

Hello theeth. I jus bit the bullet and install both versions of pyton in two seperate directories.

Here is exactly what my python path looks like

SET PYTHONPATH=C:\Python20;C:\PYTHON20\Tools\idle;c:\python20\dlls;c:\python20\lib;c:\python20\lib\plat-win;c:\python20\lib\lib-tk;C:\Python22;C:\PYTHON22\Tools\idle;c:\python22\dlls;c:\python22\lib;c:\python22\lib\plat-win;c:\python22\lib\lib-tk

As you could see I was not taking any chance. I also set the button int he info window to C:\python20.

Is all this correct.

I am using blender creator 2.2 and windows ME.

Right now I do not have need for publisher but will when I get more proficent at modeling

Looks like it’s all there.

Why :frowning: oh why :x couldn’t I get it to work Theeth? Just tell me why :-? (need face with tears, LOL)

Whatever python version you use, it will use the first directory it finds in the path, so adding the python22 directories to the path is not really necessary as it still will use the python20 ones. Setting the info window python script button to python20 doesn’t do much as that is just the main python directory. It is supposed to be set to the python lib directory, but that doesn’t also matter in your case as it is already set in PYTHONPATH. So if you want to use vpython, then just set PYTHONPATH to python22, unless you use other scripts that happen to require compiled modules, it should be ok.

Having said that, if everything works, just leave it as is, windows can be too unpredicatable at times… :-?

eeshlo,I was on #gameblender the other day and was talking to Saluk. It seems he is having the same problems. He made a statement that using python22 was ok but that blender needed the modules in the python20.dll that comes with creator and that is installed with blender in the blender install directory.

From what he said the blender python functions like Blender.GET(),Blender.Draw() are in this dll. So should I not include c:\blender(my blendercreator install directory) in the python path? And if so where in the python path. Just trying to cover all the bases here.



. So if you want to use vpython, then just set PYTHONPATH to python22, unless you use other scripts that happen to require compiled modules, it should be ok.

Having said that, if everything works, just leave it as is, windows can be too unpredicatable at times… :-?[/quote]

The python20.dll is always used by Blender, whatever python version you use, but it doesn’t contain the Blender modules, it is just the basic python runtime dll. The blender modules are actually contained in blender itself.
Adding the blender directory to the python path is also not necessary, since that is automatically added to it when running python in blender, it is the first directory searched for anything.
But again, if you get confused by all this, and everything works as it should, just leave it as it is. No need to fix anything that isn’t broke.