[Q] How can i select the exact same meshes in edit mode using the vertices

Im trying to clean up this model of a plant. The uv unwrapping is a bit f*)&@#cked and im trying to fix this. Their are a couple different leaves and each have a certain number of vertices. I know the action select simular (shigt G) but i cant find the the function “select number of vertices” as described in the manual.

I would like to select leaves with a criteria of [X-number] of vertices? is this even possible?

I wonder if select one and then Select Similar - Face Regions could do?

are the leaf separated from the rest of the plant? if yes you can press CTRL-L with a vertice selected or L with the mouse over to select everything connected to that vertex

Contents of the “Select Similar” menu depend on the selection mode you’re in. Switch to face select mode, select the face, and use select similar -> polygon sides.

Give us a picture, or better, the blend file, so we can understand and help you better

Sorry guys, i cant get any of them to work. I had tried al of them already.

Only the face regions, i cant find this option?

Ive attached a screen grab and took a small part of the model for you guys so you could test it. The model is one object and all leaves are seperate meshes inside the object. i know quite a lot of tricks to select items, but i seem to miss a option to select simular meshes by exact number of vertices. There are like 4-5 different leaves i believe, 86 verts, 91 verts, 95 verts, 96 verts etc. I would like the select one of these and than select the all the other by that same amount of vertices.

Here’s the scene https://www.dropbox.com/s/wuxm7ybk4qp3e1o/Leaves_selection.blend?dl=0

PS thanks for helping me guys!!! really appreciate it


I just found a different manner which could help me. If i select one edge in the middle of one leaf and select simular>face angle i get the edge loop in the middle of all the leaves. Know i can align all the middle verts of the leaves using ‘align x’ and than distribute them on v-axis and h-axis using ‘Algign & Distribute’

But the other action i wanted can still come into hand i believe. So if one of you guys knows a method please do post the comment

Well, without scripting what comes to mind is:

  • Select non-manifold: this will give you border loops for each leaf.
  • F to fill faces creating ngons.
  • Select one ngon, select similar -> polygon sides.
  • Ctrl+L to select linked. Now you have all the leaves with that amount of verts selected, can hide them or vertex group them or whatever.

To get rid of ngons, select one with fewer edges, select similar -> polygon sides, then polygon sides again, but this time switch from Equal to Greater. And delete them.

Wow thats indeed a very clever solution! Ill try this and see what happens…
I almost cant believe that this sort of thing isnt sort of basic selection mode

Select similar face regions does work for that but it’s a feature in the development version.

Selected linked from one mesh part (52 verts) and then selected similar face regions. Selected 8 mesh parts and it matches the total selected vertex count (8*52 = 416). Checked it with other amounts too.

aha i need to check if i can find a mac version than

Wow thats indeed the thing, great!!! Thanks buddy… is there documentation on this?

Now i can separate them by verts and give these each a material. Than uvmap 1 and separate them by loose parts and transfer the uvmap of the one i uvmapped correctly.

This is so much faste than the other solution i found, this still cost me hours of uvmapping. But this keeps me focused and enables me to learn more and more. Eventually ill be king uv unwrapping :wink:


There is Luca Carella’s addon UV Align\Distribute around in forum - this can ease the process ;).

And some nodal variety here http://www.pasteall.org/blend/32866

Hi Eppo,

yes i used that one to. But i found align all still took a lot of time. The first time i unwrap the leave they’re really not that straight. The texture of the leaves has a vain which is straight and runs in the middle. The leaves unwrap with a soft bend in them. I did fix all of them by using face angle on the middle of the mesh. This way i could align x on all meshes in uv editor. Still took quite some time to fix everything.

The last tip by JA12 is much better. I can know divide all meshes by vertice number than unwrap 1 of each>than seperate all into single mesh and than transfer the good uvmap from each one to all others. This is really a couple of minutes work instead of the hours i spend fixing all with the align distribute thing.

But that thought really well how to use this thing. I never actually used it and so now i pretty much understand it. Only the bottom option gives me funky results with the equalize the gabs

I did not realize Similar Face Regions are latest builds only.

If you are aiming at unwrap being bull’s eye on some ready made image for closeups then align one and copy uvs to all similar likely is the best method. If that’s not for the foreground or closeups… I just briefly filled in green space, that surely wont do for small details over all the mesh. Plus i had to rotate half of the islands and if that is a big number to select it will take time.

Happy Blending!