Q is for Quarter

Q is for Quarter; can you guess what R will be?

I’m challenging myself and making a looping gif animation that represents every letter of the alphabet.

Vector made in Gravit Designer animated with Blender 2.79

NOTE: michaelsboost is my twitter, instagram handle, domain on my website, etc: I would change my username here to that but idk how

Michael, if you like rendered seamlessly-looping GIFs, you must drop everything and check out BlobbyBarack’s (S|PyroGif) stuff! He is, imo, The Jedi Effing Master of looping GIFs. You will be inspired, in sheer awe, and possibly poop your pants… His stuff is both on the Octane forums and his Tumblr.

Grab yourself a bowl of popcorn and a Depends® and enjoy!

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I started this challenge after seeing James Curran’s work.