rbox 32 D3 | qvoronoi s o > qvoronoi.off
rbox generates 32 random points in 3d space, these are piped into qvoronoi, which in turn creates a .off file.
I edit the qvoronoi.off file , replacing the first line with “OFF”
import the file as .off in blender
Works fine for the qhull (rbox 32 D3 | qhull s o > qhull.off , edit, import etc), nice closed surface, but the qvoronoi file is not at all like above, I don’t get nice discrete cells, I get an exploded spiderweb like the way 3ds4 could explode (yall still remember that ?)
I can post a blend is ppl are interested to figure this one out with me.
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After some months of reading this forum, my first post, jupee.
Wizleteet, did you solve your problem with voronoi somehow? I am interested in it, cause I am currently working on something simmilar (I need to generate several voronoi-graph meshes, then modify and render them in blender) but the mesh I am getting from qvoronoi is totally messy…
I dont know if the problem lies really in the .off importing script in blender. As I’ve looked into the qvoronoi .off output, it seems to me, it creates points coordinates are messed up there already and blender just imports what is there… (edit: yes, it is in blender - it is not clipping de diverging vertices. Anybody any clue for solving this? Apllying some boolean operation afterwards in blender is also not the ideal solution…)
but dont know what might be wrong about that and about qvoronoi/qhull really I dont know too much - just explored it less than 48 hours ago. In the worst case I’ll have to go for Rhino for that, but I would like to solve it in Blender (also more convenient for me as an ubuntu user).
I am also very interested in this topic for a project I am doing. Wizzleteet, it seems that you know how to generate points into blender somehow with a text file stating object locations…
Can you please provide a step by step procedure of doing this? I am very inexperienced at python/rhino/DOS commands as indicated by the link in your first post.
If anyone can teach me the qhull setup for blender I would really appreciate it.