qick painting: dark

little quick painting i painted at work. About 5-10mins :slight_smile:
Hope you guys like it:

bye, henrik

Wow COOL, 5 minutes? :o

thank you very much! :slight_smile:

dont know for sure, more 10 then 5 minutes i think.

Incredible, I cold never do anything that good in 5-10(or a little more) minutes. :wink:

here is one with a little postwork:

bissle unscharf / did u use blur?
is the original sharper?

no, i didnt use blur. when u paint that fast its hard to do it sharp :wink:

Yeah, I like the original better, It has more of a “dark” mood. It’s more unique I think than the modified one. :smiley:

hehe. honestly… me as well :stuck_out_tongue: