
Very Nice! I love the metal frame. The materials are nice and it gives us an Idea of the shape of the rest of the bike.

anothe update, I feel like i’m really making some progress now :slight_smile:

I’ve modelled a front wheel (badly) but i didn’t include it in this render (it’s in a seperate .blend file). I’m probably going to redo the wheel anyway.

so, i present to you my first render from the other side*, along with the normal one :slight_smile:

*Well i will if someone can tell me how to set the active camera (change it) because my laptop doesn’t have a numpad :mad:


go to view > camera > set active as camera (or something like that, I dont have blender opened right now)

that’s very nice so far, keep it up :wink:

here’s another update, just fixed up the foot rest and finished the heel guard amongst some other things.

also, i just finished re-doing the tread on the tires but will post them in the next update…

I’m also somewhat unhappy with the smoothness of the curve at the front of the frame, and will most likely fix it i the next update…


Looking good! How long does it take to render that? Are you using Ray Mirror or an env map?

to render, it takes about a minute on my crappy laptop, but on the school desktop (running blender through a USB) it takes about thirty seconds.
I use Ray Mirror for the reflections.

Wow this is looking really really good!

Man that is fantastic jezzabetz. Great work.

another update (finally).

first some news, i got the excellence award for my Modelling and animation class (and a few other awards resulting in a DUX :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve added the back wheel in this update and fixed up the front bit :slight_smile: There is writing on the wheel, besides the yellow stuff, it’s just not visible in this render. IMHO the wheels are too thick, what do you think?

next on my list is the back axle and chain thing

59 seconds to render in BI 2.49b on my craptop (crappy-laptop = crap-top)


Wow, I really like your progress so far :smiley:

The wheels look nice. I love the little logo on the side.

Thanks guys, but do you think the wheels are too thick?

really nice, you seem to just keep plowing through

no, they’re fine

The proportion of the wheels looks correct and the wheel rims are very nicely modeled. Your current lighting setup (More than adequate for test renders so no criticism implied) doesn’t reveal much detail of the tread or the sidewall of the tire. The reasons I mention this is that sidewalls can be tough and the lettering on your sidewall seems to be a bit farther out from center than that shown in the photo of your subject.
*Disclaimer: I’m both old (61) and left-handed so any observations I make should be weighed against those factors.

I understand what you’re saying (and there’s nothing wrong with being old, it’s how old you feel at heart, I’m going to a birthday party tommorrow and the birthday boy is 70 despite being unimaginably immature :P)… being left handed though…

serioulsy though, thanks for the comment!

here’s a close-up of the tire (with edges to save render time)


Here’s another update (last one before christmas i reckon)

I added the front wheels and some more stuff on the back axle (and related parts)

any crits/comments are very welcome (even flames!!!)

so, here it is and Merry Christmas to all of you!!!


very nice! happy holidays!

Very good! have a merry christmas.

Crit: I think you should make the front wheels a bit flatter, since they have this huge curve right now, It might not be that stable in real life.