Quadremesher breaks the model

Im trying to remesh my model to quads using quadremesher, but it gets super distorted after remeshing it.

Can anyone help?

Looks like you should be deleting with limited dissolve.
To be honest - it is a very simple object. Why did you make it so it needs to be remeshed ???

Have you done the usual check for flipped faces and check for doubles?

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See what Quadremesher did in the corners that you showed…now compare to what you have marked OK…there is an obvious problem in your geometry on those same corners, as there is no reason for a triangle to appear there unless something is wrong…Possible duplicated geometry as 1st pic shows some interior face that also shouldn’t be there…Possible flipped normals or scale not applied…also I would probably separate those small details on the bottom to remove from the remesh as they could lead to problems also…


Here’s a simple rules which i always follow while dealing with quadremesher and get proper results almost 99% of the time:

  1. Always triangulate model before remeshing (at least if there a lot of ngons).
  2. Always enable auto smooth and set it to 180deg.
  3. Put hard edges manually for any sharp corners. You can also put hard edges wherewer you like if you need to “guide” remesher in a certain ways.
  4. Always turn off “Detect hard edges by angle” and enable “Use normal splitting”

Also a general rules which works with any kind of auto-remeshers is: make sure your model are dense enought for values which you set in resuilting quad count.
If your model are too lowpoly and you set quad amount too big - you will have “faceted” model and nothing more. So some cases (like models camed from CAD with unadequate polygon count settings simply cannot be remeshed at all).