Does anyone know how to convert quads in blender into polygons?
I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Does anyone know how to convert quads in blender into polygons?
I appreciate any help. Thanks.
Quads and tris are polygons. Blender does not support polys defined by more than 4 vertices (aka n-gons), if that is what you are asking.
no im sorry. How do I turn quads into tri’s. Thats what I meant. Is there a function for that? Its for a game model.
Ctrl - T yada yada message has to be bigger than 10 characters
Oh I think that’s Ctrl-T in edit mode to split selected quads into tris. I don’t have Blender on this computer; check the Mesh menu in edit mode to be sure.
Edit: dang ZanQDo I guess I owe you a Coke.