No It’s not the space object but a plane
If you don’t know any plane with this name, this is normal because he’s from my imagination… but I was very influenced:D
Few weeks ago, I decided to watch all movies of Hayao Miyazaki. Among them, there is “Porco Rosso”. The movie tells the story of the life of a pilot of seaplane in the Italy of 20-30’s years
I loved this movie so much and I decided to imagine my own seaplane. So there is the result (with the “Porco Rosso” version):
Interesting conceptual work - I can see that you have a good eye for the “general” aircraft technology, combining them into this flying boat…
[SUB](I suppose that you know that such an one-piece bubble canopy was out of the technological reach in the 30. of 20th century - they just started creating basic, “tubular” canopies from organic glass at the beginning of that decade… Even the FW-190 cockpit, from 1940, had much simpler shape…)[/SUB]
So it is a modern airplane! Now I see that its engine is a light turbo prop!
(It has no classic exhaust stacks on its sides, like the typical inline piston engines, has a relatively small, circular cross section, a typical intake below the spinner and the nozzle on its upper cowling). Am I right? Quite interesting idea!
Yes you’re right
It’s a little turbo prop but actually, I don’t know if he can work in reality with this shape . I was focused on the design and not on the technical working .
A little precision: this airplane is supposed to be rather fast (maybe for racing?) and I don’t know if the engine is undersized? What do you think?
In general, these engines are small and compact. However, in case of this airplane it seems to be really small (assuming that the cockpit is for a single pilot).
I would suggest increase its size - scaling it up by a factor - let’s say - 1.2. You can also increase the number of propeller blades to four (or even five) - it has a relatively small radius, so increasing the number of blades will improve its efficiency.
Yes this is a cockpit for one pilot.
I increased the size of the engine as you said but i’m not sure to increase the number of blades. I’ll see what it looks like.
So I didn’t advanced on the modelisation but I did some test shaders. It’s not perfect and I will work on this more but I think it’s close to the good one:
nice progress. I would suggest to not align the wings or the main fuselage line with the horizon in the final, it is a little bit disturbing for the eye imo.
I like the progress of the model. Very streamlined and sleek curves! Especially the first perspective in post #12 is very interesting and appealing
The shader could have some more saturation to make it less flat. have you tried to mix the glossy and diffuse by a layer weight or fresnel node? Also these shaders usually have several layers of glossiness.
I agree wit the remarks on the horizon line, if that’s your final composition.
Thanks guys! I’m glad you like it
Oh I forgot this (very important) detail of composition… so thank you for the observation and thank you for the quick lesson
minoribus: Yes I tried to mix glossy and diffuse with a layer weight and fresnel node (layer weight is better). I improved the shader but it’s maybe not finish. And no it’s not the final composition
Ryeath: An animation is like a dream because my computer is a laptop not very strong. The last time I wanted to do an animation, renders took me 2 months for 10 seconds of animation . So maybe if I can do it on a super computer (I will ask to the NASA if they can give me one of their supercalculator eheh )
So I didn’t had so many time to progress but I started the cockpit and improved the shader:
You do not need to model the instrument panel “in the mesh” - a smart use of textures can produce similar effect with less effort.
(You can find details of the “texture only” method in the “Excerpt IV” from this book - just skim its free version)
Oh thank you for the tip
I didn’t know that is you who created this book! I downloaded some part of this and it’s very good (even if I don’t understand the Polish )!
Hello Artists!
Today, I will not show you the progress of the cockpit because I don’t have all I want and I need to change some things. But I worked on the external textures: