
No It’s not the space object but a plane :slight_smile:
If you don’t know any plane with this name, this is normal because he’s from my imagination… but I was very influenced:D

Few weeks ago, I decided to watch all movies of Hayao Miyazaki. Among them, there is “Porco Rosso”. The movie tells the story of the life of a pilot of seaplane in the Italy of 20-30’s years

I loved this movie so much and I decided to imagine my own seaplane. So there is the result (with the “Porco Rosso” version):

This is the 3D result:

EDIT: This is the current step

I hope you will like this!

This looks like nicely floating edges. Good start. Is there any chance to see the wires :slight_smile:

Thank you! Of course you can see the wires. I was limited to 3 pictures in the post and I forgot to give the links.

here is the continuation:

And the wires:


as I said to you in another place, good start and nice design, keep up the good work.

Thanks ookka!

Ok, the main shapes are done. I will start the cockpit and some other details

Sorry, no wires for the moment

Nice wires and - wow - good progress. I love the style of this airplane. :slight_smile:

Interesting conceptual work - I can see that you have a good eye for the “general” aircraft technology, combining them into this flying boat…

[SUB](I suppose that you know that such an one-piece bubble canopy was out of the technological reach in the 30. of 20th century - they just started creating basic, “tubular” canopies from organic glass at the beginning of that decade… Even the FW-190 cockpit, from 1940, had much simpler shape…)[/SUB]

Thank you guys!

Witold: Yes I know that an one piece bubble canopy was not used in the 30’s. Actually, my plane is a modern plane who could fly in 2014 :slight_smile: .

So it is a modern airplane! Now I see that its engine is a light turbo prop!
(It has no classic exhaust stacks on its sides, like the typical inline piston engines, has a relatively small, circular cross section, a typical intake below the spinner and the nozzle on its upper cowling). Am I right? Quite interesting idea!

Yes you’re right :smiley:
It’s a little turbo prop but actually, I don’t know if he can work in reality with this shape . I was focused on the design and not on the technical working :slight_smile: .

A little precision: this airplane is supposed to be rather fast (maybe for racing?) and I don’t know if the engine is undersized? What do you think?

After it’s not reality so everything is possible :smiley:

In general, these engines are small and compact. However, in case of this airplane it seems to be really small (assuming that the cockpit is for a single pilot).
I would suggest increase its size - scaling it up by a factor - let’s say - 1.2. You can also increase the number of propeller blades to four (or even five) - it has a relatively small radius, so increasing the number of blades will improve its efficiency.

Yes this is a cockpit for one pilot.
I increased the size of the engine as you said but i’m not sure to increase the number of blades. I’ll see what it looks like.

So I didn’t advanced on the modelisation but I did some test shaders. It’s not perfect and I will work on this more but I think it’s close to the good one:

Hi mcgee,

nice progress. I would suggest to not align the wings or the main fuselage line with the horizon in the final, it is a little bit disturbing for the eye imo.

Keep up the good work.

Here is a good quick lesson on visual tangents, what ookka is referring to. In the images your wings are on a visual tangent with the horizon.

On the other hand it is a nice looking plane. Are you planning on animating it? I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere in the previous posts.

I like the progress of the model. Very streamlined and sleek curves! Especially the first perspective in post #12 is very interesting and appealing :slight_smile:

The shader could have some more saturation to make it less flat. have you tried to mix the glossy and diffuse by a layer weight or fresnel node? Also these shaders usually have several layers of glossiness.

I agree wit the remarks on the horizon line, if that’s your final composition.

Thanks guys! I’m glad you like it :smiley:
Oh I forgot this (very important) detail of composition… so thank you for the observation and thank you for the quick lesson :smiley:

minoribus: Yes I tried to mix glossy and diffuse with a layer weight and fresnel node (layer weight is better). I improved the shader but it’s maybe not finish. And no it’s not the final composition :slight_smile:

Ryeath: An animation is like a dream because my computer is a laptop not very strong. The last time I wanted to do an animation, renders took me 2 months for 10 seconds of animation :smiley: :smiley: . So maybe if I can do it on a super computer (I will ask to the NASA if they can give me one of their supercalculator eheh :smiley: )

So I didn’t had so many time to progress but I started the cockpit and improved the shader:

Elements of the cockpit can move a little. It’s not definitive. I was inspired by the cockpit of an Extra 300 and a Cessna 172 to create it

EDIT: For the moment, I will just apply textures on the elements but I will modeling them if I do a cockpit render

You do not need to model the instrument panel “in the mesh” - a smart use of textures can produce similar effect with less effort.
(You can find details of the “texture only” method in the “Excerpt IV” from this book - just skim its free version)

Oh thank you for the tip :slight_smile:
I didn’t know that is you who created this book! I downloaded some part of this and it’s very good (even if I don’t understand the Polish :slight_smile: )!

So thank you very much I will work on it

No problem, just ask when you would like to know more about any particular effect described there.

Ok thanks Witold :slight_smile:

Hello Artists!
Today, I will not show you the progress of the cockpit because I don’t have all I want and I need to change some things. But I worked on the external textures:

I will try to finish the cockpit quickly