Question about Cloth physics and shrinkwrap

I was curious about how to go about making a renaissance/pirate corset/shirt combo. I figured to make the shirt with cloth physics, but would I be able to use shrinkwrap for the corset and it turn out somewhat like how I want? If anyone has and tips or suggestions, I’m open to anything.

I’ll attach a photo of what I’m talking about.

The Garment tool is pretty cool -

You could go with a combination of shrinkwrap, re-sculpt and quadremesh as well if you want to do it manually, but this is the closest to marvelous designer that I tried.

I’m sure there’s others out there as well, but so far I prefer using this for cloth.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was on the fence about buying The Garment Tool since there’s a couple plugins out there like Modeling Cloth and Cloth Weaver. But if it’s like Marvelous then I’ll probably look into investing in it.

Ye, don’t take my word for it though. Garment tool was (and is still) the one I was most happy with, I didn’t try out all of them.

I’m using marvelous on and off in production for many years now though, and this comes pretty close. Obviously in terms of speed and features it’s not gonna be on par but 4 out of 5 times I don’t need to switch to marvelous any more when doing freelance work, which for me is a huge thing.

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