Question about custom shapes for armatures.

Why custom shapes doesn’t match the orientation in the first bone of an armature on object and pose modes?

Please see attached file.

Thank you for your time everyone! :slight_smile:




ArmatureStudyD.blend (320 KB)

Yeah its confusing as hell , What I do is tab into edit mode (select all verts) and rotate the the object to point down the Y axis thus converting the Z to Y , and now the y is a Z :spin:

If you set your bone shape to the bone first then, edit the shape you can see the update as your’e working, its slightly less confusing that way.


Armature_Y_Axis_As_Z.blend (60.6 KB)

Hi Jonathandone! Thank you very much for your feedback. Another aproach I’m using to make things a bit more clear is to have a “root” bone without shape and another rotated bone assigned to a custom shape (please refer to attach below).

Unfortunately this still doesn’t explain the “Why?” XD I guess this is somehow related to quaternions but I don’t have enough elements to show the concept behind it :wink:




ArmatureStudyF.blend (324 KB)